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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevmem.h */
- /* Private definitions for memory devices. */
- /*
- The representation for a "memory" device is simply a
- contiguous bitmap stored in something like the PostScript
- representation, i.e., each scan line (in left-to-right order), padded
- to a 32-bit boundary, followed immediately by the next one.
- The representation of strings in the Ghostscript interpreter limits
- the size of a string to 64K-1 bytes, which means we can't simply use
- a string for the contents of a memory device.
- We get around this problem by making the client read out the
- contents of a memory device bitmap in pieces.
- On 80x86 PCs running in 16-bit mode, there may be no way to
- obtain a contiguous block of storage larger than 64K bytes,
- which typically isn't big enough for a full-screen bitmap.
- We take the following compromise position: if the PC is running in
- native mode (pseudo-segmenting), we limit the bitmap to 64K;
- if the PC is running in protected mode (e.g., under MS Windows),
- we assume that blocks larger than 64K have sequential segment numbers,
- and that the client arranges things so that an individual scan line,
- the scan line pointer table, and any single call on a drawing routine
- do not cross a segment boundary.
- Even though the scan lines are stored contiguously, we store a table
- of their base addresses, because indexing into it is faster than
- the multiplication that would otherwise be needed.
- */
- /* ------ Generic macros ------ */
- /* Macro for declaring the essential device procedures. */
- #define declare_mem_map_procs(map_rgb_color, map_color_rgb)\
- private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(map_rgb_color);\
- private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(map_color_rgb)
- #define declare_mem_procs(copy_mono, copy_color, fill_rectangle)\
- private dev_proc_copy_mono(copy_mono);\
- private dev_proc_copy_color(copy_color);\
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(fill_rectangle)
- /* Macro for generating the procedure record in the device descriptor */
- extern dev_proc_open_device(mem_open);
- extern dev_proc_get_initial_matrix(mem_get_initial_matrix);
- extern dev_proc_close_device(mem_close);
- extern dev_proc_get_bits(mem_get_bits);
- extern dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(mem_get_xfont_procs);
- extern dev_proc_get_xfont_device(mem_get_xfont_device);
- #define mem_procs(map_rgb_color, map_color_rgb, copy_mono, copy_color, fill_rectangle)\
- { mem_open,\
- mem_get_initial_matrix,\
- gx_default_sync_output,\
- gx_default_output_page,\
- mem_close,\
- map_rgb_color, /* differs */\
- map_color_rgb, /* differs */\
- fill_rectangle, /* differs */\
- gx_default_tile_rectangle,\
- copy_mono, /* differs */\
- copy_color, /* differs */\
- gx_default_draw_line,\
- mem_get_bits,\
- gx_default_get_props,\
- gx_default_put_props,\
- gx_default_map_cmyk_color,\
- mem_get_xfont_procs,\
- mem_get_xfont_device\
- }
- /*
- * Macro for generating the device descriptor.
- * Various compilers have problems with the obvious definition
- * for max_value, namely:
- * (depth >= 8 ? 255 : (1 << depth) - 1)
- * I tried changing (1 << depth) to (1 << (depth & 15)) to forestall bogus
- * error messages about invalid shift counts, but the H-P compiler chokes
- * on this. Since the only values of depth we ever plan to support are
- * powers of 2 (and 24), we just go ahead and enumerate them.
- */
- #define max_value(depth)\
- (depth >= 8 ? 255 : depth == 4 ? 15 : depth == 2 ? 3 : 1)
- #define mem_device(name, depth, procs)\
- { sizeof(gx_device_memory),\
- &procs, /* differs */\
- name, /* differs */\
- 0, 0, /* x and y extent (filled in) */\
- 72, 72, /* density (makes initclip come out right) */\
- no_margins, /* margins */\
- { (depth >= 4 ? 3 : 1), /* num_components */\
- depth,\
- max_value(depth), /* max_gray */\
- max_value(depth), /* max_rgb */\
- max_value(depth) + 1, /* dither_gray */\
- max_value(depth) + 1, /* dither_color */\
- },\
- 0, /* not open yet */\
- identity_matrix_body, /* initial matrix (filled in) */\
- 0, /* raster (filled in) */\
- (byte *)0, /* base (filled in) */\
- (byte **)0, /* line_ptrs (filled in by mem_open) */\
- 0, /* invert (filled in for mono) */\
- 0, (byte *)0, /* palette (filled in for color) */\
- 0 /* memory_procs */\
- }
- /* Macro for casting gx_device argument */
- #define mdev ((gx_device_memory *)dev)
- /*
- * Macros for processing bitmaps in the largest possible chunks.
- * Bits within a byte are always stored big-endian;
- * bytes are likewise stored in left-to-right order, i.e., big-endian.
- * Note that this is the format used for the source of copy_mono.
- * It used to be the case that bytes were stored in the natural
- * platform order, and the client had force them into big-endian order
- * by calling gdev_mem_ensure_byte_order, but this no longer necessary.
- *
- * Note that we use type uint for register variables holding a chunk:
- * for this reason, the chunk size cannot be larger than uint.
- */
- /* Generic macros for chunk accessing. */
- #define cbytes(ct) size_of(ct) /* sizeof may be unsigned */
- # define chunk_bytes cbytes(chunk)
- /* The clog2_bytes macro assumes that ints are 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size. */
- #define clog2_bytes(ct) (size_of(ct) == 8 ? 3 : size_of(ct)>>1)
- # define chunk_log2_bytes clog2_bytes(chunk)
- #define cbits(ct) (size_of(ct)*8) /* sizeof may be unsigned */
- # define chunk_bits cbits(chunk)
- #define clog2_bits(ct) (clog2_bytes(ct)+3)
- # define chunk_log2_bits clog2_bits(chunk)
- #define cbit_mask(ct) (cbits(ct)-1)
- # define chunk_bit_mask cbit_mask(chunk)
- #define calign_bytes(ct)\
- (sizeof(ct) == 1 ? 1:\
- sizeof(ct) == sizeof(short) ? arch_align_short_mod :\
- sizeof(ct) == sizeof(int) ? arch_align_int_mod: arch_align_long_mod)
- # define chunk_align_bytes calign_bytes(chunk)
- #define calign_bit_mask(ct) (calign_bytes(ct)*8-1)
- # define chunk_align_bit_mask calign_bit_mask(chunk)
- /*
- * The obvious definition for cmask is:
- * #define cmask(ct) ((ct)~(ct)0)
- * but this doesn't work on the VAX/VMS compiler, which fails to truncate
- * the value to 16 bits when ct is ushort.
- * Instead, we have to generate the mask with no extra 1-bits.
- * We can't do this in the obvious way:
- * #define cmask(ct) ((1 << (size_of(ct) * 8)) - 1)
- * because some compilers won't allow a shift of the full type size.
- * Instead, we have to do something really awkward:
- */
- #define cmask(ct) ((ct) (((((ct)1 << (size_of(ct)*8-2)) - 1) << 2) + 3))
- # define chunk_all_bits cmask(chunk)
- /*
- * The obvious definition for chi_bits is:
- * #define chi_bits(ct,n) (cmask(ct)-(cmask(ct)>>(n)))
- * but this doesn't work on the DEC/MIPS compilers.
- * Instead, we have to restrict chi_bits to only working for values of n
- * between 0 and cbits(ct)-1, and use
- */
- #define chi_bits(ct,n) (ct)(~(ct)1 << (cbits(ct)-1 - (n)))
- # define chunk_hi_bits(n) chi_bits(chunk,n)
- /* Define whether this is a machine where chunks are long, */
- /* but the machine can't shift a long by its full width. */
- #define arch_cant_shift_full_chunk\
- (arch_is_big_endian && !arch_ints_are_short && !arch_can_shift_full_long)
- /*
- * Macro for adding an offset to a pointer.
- * This isn't just pointer arithmetic, because of the segmenting
- * considerations discussed above.
- * Note that this only works for byte * (or char *) pointers!
- */
- # define byte_ptr_add(base, offset)\
- ((byte *)((byte huge *)(base) + (offset)))
- /*
- * Macros for scan line access.
- * x_to_byte is different for each number of bits per pixel.
- * Note that these macros depend on the definition of chunk:
- * each procedure that uses the scanning macros should #define
- * (not typedef) chunk as either uint or byte.
- */
- #define scan_line_base(dev,y) (dev->line_ptrs[y])
- #define declare_scan_ptr(ptr) declare_scan_ptr_as(ptr, chunk *)
- #define declare_scan_ptr_as(ptr,ptype)\
- register ptype ptr; uint draster
- #define inc_chunk_ptr(ptr,delta)\
- ptr = (chunk *)((byte *)ptr + (delta))
- #define setup_rect(ptr) setup_rect_as(ptr, chunk *)
- #define setup_rect_as(ptr,ptype)\
- draster = mdev->raster;\
- ptr = (ptype)(scan_line_base(mdev, y) +\
- (x_to_byte(x) & -chunk_align_bytes))
- /* Define macros for setting up left- and right-end masks. */
- /* These are used for monobit operations, and for filling */
- /* with 2- and 4-bit-per-pixel patterns. */
- /* Define the chunk size for monobit operations. */
- #if arch_is_big_endian
- # define mono_chunk uint
- # define set_mono_right_mask(var, w)\
- var = ((w) == chunk_bits ? chunk_all_bits : chunk_hi_bits(w))
- /*
- * We have to split following statement because of a bug in the Xenix C
- * compiler (it produces a signed rather than an unsigned shift if we don't
- * split).
- */
- # define set_mono_thin_mask(var, w, bit)\
- set_mono_right_mask(var, w), var >>= (bit)
- /*
- * We have to split the following statement in two because of a bug
- * in the DEC VAX/VMS C compiler.
- */
- # define set_mono_left_mask(var, bit)\
- var = chunk_all_bits, var >>= (bit)
- #else
- # define mono_chunk ushort
- extern const mono_chunk gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[17];
- # define set_mono_right_mask(var, w)\
- var = ~gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[w]
- # define set_mono_thin_mask(var, w, bit)\
- var = ~gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[(w) + (bit)] &\
- gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[bit]
- # define set_mono_left_mask(var, bit)\
- var = gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[bit]
- #endif